Five Reasons to Support Workations

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed us. As businesses, supply chains, and institutions worldwide attempt to recover and move forward, one thing is certain: There is no going back. Since the pandemic, a record number of people left the workforce or changed jobs. According to a PwC survey of more than 52,000 workers in 44 countries, one out of five employees plan to quit their jobs in 2022. McKinsey and Company published a report last month claiming twice that amount will consider quitting before the year ends—that’s a whopping 40 percent of talent going elsewhere.

As the Great Resignation continues, smart employers know retaining top performers is more important than ever. Although most job changers leave for higher salaries, many also note flexibility and job satisfaction as key factors in whether to stay or go. Employers who want to keep their talent recognize there are many ways beyond salary to be flexible and supportive. One way that is growing in popularity is letting remote staff take workations (also called workcations). 

Defined as working vacations, a workation enables remote employees to do their job from a location other than home. For some, it might mean leaving an urban apartment for weeks to work from a cabin; for others, it may mean working from foreign shores for months at a time. Supporting workations shows a company is forward-thinking, flexible, and values its team. More importantly, workations also may increase productivity, work quality, and creativity. 

Here are five reasons to consider the workation option for your remote team:

  • No Disruption—A workation does not interrupt output or require coverage from another team member, which can be a significant benefit for companies with staffing shortages.
  • Better Work—Being in a new environment (often with amenities not found at home) rejuvenates and energizes, and happy people do better work.
  • Improve Creativity—A change in scenery provides a new view that can lead to out-of-the-box thinking to explore old challenges from a fresh perspective.  
  • Gratification Factor—A break from the regular routine allows staff to return feeling refreshed and appreciated, as well as grateful for the opportunity.
  • Happy employees who feel valued are more likely to remain loyal and recommend others to join your team, which could result in retaining top performers AND attracting new talent to your opportunities.

Whether it lasts a few days or several months, workations offer benefits for both employers and staff that can have a lasting impact. With the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting more than 11 million unfilled jobs and 61% more job postings than pre-Covid, the current employee-driven market is not ending soon. To stay competitive, companies must re-assess their work model to attract and retain talent, and workations offer one way to do that. 

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