Disconnected: Managing the New Normal for Work-From-Home Employees

If you’re reading this then you have made it through the first half of the year 2020, and to say it has been challenging is certainly an understatement. I imagine this is how Dorothy felt after she got hit on the head, spun around, and crash landed in the strange and mysterious land of Oz. […]

In With the New: A Fresh Take on Performance Management Practices

As discussed in the previous article, “Out with the Old: Performance Management Trends to Ditch in 2020,” the concept of Performance Management is basically the way an employer uses guidance and feedback to steer their employees toward accomplishing their objectives. So if old techniques such as yearly evaluations and rankings are “out,” then what’s “in” […]

Out with the Old: Performance Management Trends to Ditch in 2020

As long as businesses have existed, there has been a need for employers and employees to communicate, collaborate, plan, and adjust. This ongoing back-and-forth interaction falls under the concept of Performance Management, which at its essence is simply the way an employer uses guidance and feedback to steer their employees toward accomplishing their objectives. As […]

Working With Purpose: What Employee Engagement Is Truly About

A term often thrown around in the corporate universe is “employee engagement,” and though it’s often treated as a singular concept, it’s really just a cog in a bigger machine that doesn’t fully function without all of its parts. By simple definition, to engage means to occupy attention, to attract, to please. If you Google […]

The Candidate Experience: How and Why to Do It Right!

Whether you’re a recruiter, HR specialist, or just a manger looking to fill some open positions, people who are charged with finding talent and hiring personnel often approach the process from the wrong angle. Oftentimes the focus is solely on the needs of the one doing the hiring, without regard to the “candidate experience” of […]

Managing Stress in the Workplace

If you have ever had a job, then chances are you’ve experienced work-related stress. It can be as minor as an irritating co-worker, or as extreme as, in some professions, making decisions that can literally mean life or death. It’s not a question of whether or not you experience job stress, it’s a question of […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Part Two: 4 Qualities of a Great Company

Last time we identified some red flags that may indicate you’re in a dead-end job. This week we’ll look at some of the things that suggest you’re in a positive work environment with the potential for a very bright future. Many publications release an annual list of the “Best Companies to Work For,” and whether […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Part One: 4 Signs You’re in a Dead-End Job

It’s hard to make changes in any aspect of life, but making a change in your career path can be especially stressful because your livelihood depends on that steady paycheck. Leaving any decent job for another opportunity is always a little risky, but sometimes gambles pay off big. Say you’ve got a pretty good job […]

Drafting a Killer Cover Letter

Job searching can be a frustrating process, and just when you’ve crafted that perfect resume that’s sure to impress, you realize that you need a killer cover letter, too. Every Sherlock needs a Watson, and in the job-search world the cover letter is your resume’s Watson – a smart sidekick that elevates its game. It […]

Getting Past the Gatekeeper: 5 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door

If you’ve ever tried to get a meeting with a potential client only to be turned away at the door, then you’ve probably encountered a gatekeeper. Gatekeepers can range from a personal assistant or receptionist, up to a high-level manager, but they all have one thing in common: they are keeping you from reaching the […]

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